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The McCulloch County Library

Library Services

The library provides a friendly staff of trained librarians who are able and anxious to help you find just the information you need. Listed is a sample of our most popular services

  • Inter Library Loan service allow you to borrow books from hundreds of other libraries throughout the world.  If you have a special need, our librarians can help you find it and get it to Brady.
  • Computers  are also available.  We have 7 terminals where you can access the Internet to do research.   We must have a signed Internet Access Agreement form on file and you must show ID to access the Internet.
    There are also two AWE digital learning stations in the children's room.  (1) Early Literacy Station, Bilingual Spanish (1) AfterSchool Edge. 

  • Copier is available for public use - B&W $0.15  per page for letter size $0.20 per page for legal size. Color $1.00 per page.

  • Fax machine available -  $1.00 for each page, a cover page is required.

  • Printer available - $0.10 per page for B&W and $1.00 per page for color. Double sided prints will be charged as two prints.

  • Scanner available at no cost.

  • Lamination - $1.00 per 8.5 x 11 sheet and $1.50 per 10 x 13 sheet